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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 1-10.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220601

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  • 出版日期:2022-06-25 发布日期:2022-06-25

Technical and economic analysis of Water Energy Storage to promote new energy development

  • Online:2022-06-25 Published:2022-06-25

摘要: 在双碳目标驱动下,风能与太阳能等新能源发电迅猛发展,解决其随机性、间歇性和波动性问题,亟需配套建设储能设施。本文将“以水为介质”的重力储能定义为“水储能”,并从技术原理、经济性、环境影响和设施安全等方面,对当前主要储能形式进行综合比较,研究表明“水储能”是当前和未来支撑新能源发展和新型电力系统构建的最佳储能方式。同时,本文还对抽水蓄能、水电扩机和梯级水电储能的规划思路、调节计算、评价方法和发展模式等关键技术及相关政策进行探索,展望其发展前景,可为新能源开发和新型电力系统规划设计提供参考。

关键词: 水储能, 水电扩机, 梯级水电储能, 抽水蓄能, 压缩空气储能, 电化学储能

Abstract: Driven by the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, new forms of energy generation such as wind power and solar power have developed rapidly. To solve the problems of intermittency and volatility in the power system, it is necessary to build matched energy storage facilities. In this paper, the gravity energy storage type of taking water as the medium is defined as Water Energy Storage. A comprehensive comparison is made between different forms of energy storage available at present and in the future, from the aspects of technical principle, economy, environmental impact, and operation safety. The results show Water Energy Storage is the best form of energy storage for supporting new energy development and New Power Systems in the next period of time. This paper also explores the planning idea, regulation calculation, evaluation method, development modes, and other key technologies and relevant policies for pumped storage, hydropower expansion and cascade reservoir energy storage, and takes an outlook for their development in the future. The study would help to plan and design new energy development and New Power Systems.

Key words: water energy storage, hydropower expansion, energy storage by cascade reservoirs, pumped storage, compressed air energy storage, electrochemical energy storage

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