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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 28-36.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220404

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  • 出版日期:2022-04-25 发布日期:2022-04-25

Hydraulic characteristics of bifurcated pipes

  • Online:2022-04-25 Published:2022-04-25

摘要: 提出在不改变分岔角角度的同时,通过设置直线倒角,以应对分岔角应力集中问题。通过数值模拟方法,研究了设置倒角的卜形岔管水力特性,具体对比分析了不同结构参数的圆弧形、直线倒角体型岔管汇流的水流流态、泄流能力和压强特性。结果表明,直线倒角体型岔管流场平顺,主流流向与支管轴线的一致性较好,而圆弧形倒角体型岔管的流场顺畅性相对较差;对于相同的倒角半径,直线倒角体型岔管的泄流能力优于圆弧形倒角体型岔管,且倒角半径越大,对泄流能力的影响越大,与无倒角时相比,直线倒角与圆弧形倒角体型岔管泄流量最大降幅分别为0.5%、6.8%;直线倒角体型岔管压强分布特征与无倒角体型岔管较为接近,但圆弧形倒角体型岔管与之有明显区别,存在局部低压区。

关键词: 卜形岔管, 倒角, 水力特性, 数值模拟

Abstract: Stress concentration phenomenon can be addressed by setting a linear-chamfer angle at the bifurcation, given the certain bifurcation angle. In the present work, the hydraulic characteristics of round-chamfered and linear-chamfered bifurcated pipes are numerically investigated, including the flow behaviors, discharge capacity, and characteristics of pressure distribution, with different geometric conditions considered. The results show that in a linear-chamfered pipe, the flow is smooth and its mainstream is in a direction largely along the branch pipe axis, while a round-chamfered pipe shows rather intricate flow patterns. Compared to that without a chamfered angle, the maximum relative declines in discharge capacity are 0.5% and 6.8% for linear- and round-chamfered pipes, respectively; the discharge capacity of a linear-chamfered pipe is greater. The pressure distribution behavior changes little when the pipe is linear-chamfered, but it become significantly different when round-chamfered.

Key words: bifurcated pipe, chamfering angle, hydraulic characteristics, numerical simulation

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