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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (12): 111-121.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20221212

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  • 出版日期:2022-12-25 发布日期:2022-12-25

Mobile surface flow field measurement technology and its application

  • Online:2022-12-25 Published:2022-12-25

摘要: 本文开展明渠水槽桥墩绕流和推移质输沙试验,沿水槽方向使用高速相机进行移动拍摄,通过智能识别边壁控制点坐标对图像进行裁剪。通过形态学方法提取表面示踪粒子后,使用粒子追踪测速(PTV)技术和图像特征点识别测速(FMV)计算瞬时表面流场,根据流场位置对所测表面流场区域网格化后进行插值计算,以获得较大范围的表面流场。结果表明:本文使用的移动式表面流场测量方法可提高表面流场的精度和测量范围,此方法拓宽了表面流场测量的应用工况;FMV方法在圆柱绕流试验中可更准确识别圆柱侧方及后方旋转强度较大的区域,所求断面平均流速分布曲线更符合水流特性;推移质运动过程发现紊流表面时均流速仍存在高低速流带结构现象,同时高流速条带对应沙垄而低流速条带对应沙脊处,这表明水流地形相互固定形成了稳定时均结构,也验证了大尺度流向涡模型的合理性。

关键词: 特征点匹配, 表面流场, 移动式, 流场测量, 图像处理, 相干结构

Abstract: A flume experiment of flows around a bridge pier and bed load transport is conducted to analyze the turbulent structures using an innovative method of surface flow field measurement. In this experiment, move shooting is carried out with a high-speed camera moving along the flume, and the images are clipped out through intelligent identification of the coordinates of ground control points. The technologies of particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) and feature matching velocimetry (FMV) are both used to calculate the instantaneous flows, and then a large area of surface flow field is obtained through meshing and interpolation in the measurement region. The results show (1) this method improves the accuracy and dimensions of surface flow field measurement and broadens its application condition. (2) The FMV method can identify more accurately the flow details in the zones of high rotation intensity beside and behind the cylinder, and its measurements of the average velocity profiles are more consistent with the flow characteristics. (3) We have observed that during bedload movement, the time-average velocity on the turbulent surface still features a high-low alternating streaky structure, with the high and low velocity streaks corresponding to the sand ridge and sand trough respectively. This proves the turbulent flow and the bed form interact to form a stable time-average structure, and also verifies the rationality of the large-scale streamwise vortex model.

Key words: feature point matching, surface flow field, camera mobile shooting, flow field measurement, image processing, coherent structure

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