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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 87-97.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190808

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  • 出版日期:2019-08-25 发布日期:2019-08-25

Hydrologic-hydrodynamic model and its application in flood risk analysis

  • Online:2019-08-25 Published:2019-08-25

摘要: 流域洪水模拟是当前洪水计算分析的热点,也是防洪减灾工作的科学依据和指导。本研究通过将分布式水文模型和水动力学模型串联耦合的方法计算流域洪水淹没过程,以重庆龙溪河流域作为研究区域,基于SWAT和HEC-RAS模拟平台,综合考虑气象资料、地形、下垫面条件等,经产汇流计算、小流域洪水二维数值模拟等过程得到小流域在不同情境(暴雨重现期)下的二维淹没情况。以当地洪水计算手册推求洪水过程作为验证,模型计算结果显示模型能够较好模拟龙溪河流域复杂条件下的汇流过程,结合灾害损失评估和洪水风险分析,为当地减灾工作提供决策支持。

关键词: 地理信息系统, 水文水力学模型, 洪灾损失评估, 洪水风险分析, 龙溪河流域

Abstract: Watershed flood simulation is a focus of flood analysis and prediction and a fundamental issue in flood control and disaster reduction. In this study, flood propagation process in a small basin is calculated by coupling a distributed hydrological model and a hydrodynamic model on the platform of SWAT and HEC-RAS. In a case study of the Longxi River basin in Chongqing, different scenarios of rainstorms over a small watershed are predicted through runoff generation, confluence calculation, and two-dimensional numerical simulation of floods, considering meteorological, topographic, and underlying surface conditions. The calculations show that this coupling model can simulate effectively the confluence process over the basin under complicated conditions and it is useful to the decision of disaster reduction when combined with disaster loss assessment and flood risk analysis.

Key words: geographical information system, hydrologic-hydrodynamic model, flood damage assessment, flood risk analysis, Longxi River basin

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