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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 97-105.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190511

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  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-05-23

Effects of low pressure edges of short blades on cavitation performance of pump-turbine

  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-05-23

摘要: 为探究短叶片低压边位置对高水头长短叶片水泵水轮机转轮空化性能的影响,针对其转轮的结构特点,设计具有不同低压边位置的短叶片方案。以低压边在上冠位置直径与转轮喉部直径的比值,从大到小依次命名为方案A、B、C,比值越小低压边位置越靠后。采用Rayleigh-Plesset空化模型对三方案分别进行3个水轮机工况和2个水泵工况的定常数值模拟,对比分析计算工况下各转轮的空化形态及能量特性。结果表明:在水轮机方式,小流量工况下随着短叶片低压边位置后移,转轮空化性能得到改善,而在大、中流量工况下方案B的转轮空化性能最优。在水泵方式,高扬程工况下转轮空化程度随低压边位置后移先减缓后加剧,低扬程工况下方案A的低压边位置最利于改善空化性能。综合考虑水轮机方式和水泵方式,直径比值为0.9487的方案B空化性能较优,效率和扬程相对较高。对后续高水头水泵水轮机转轮水力优化设计具有指导意义。

关键词: 水泵水轮机, 短叶片, 低压边位置, 空化, 能量特性

Abstract: To investigate the influence of the low pressure edge locations of short blades on the cavitation performance of a high-head pump-turbine with a splitter blade runner, three types of short blades are designed with the different locations according to the structural characteristics of splitter blade runners. The short blades are named as Scheme A, B, and C from the largest to smallest ratio of the diameter of low pressure edges at the upper crown over the runner diameter at the throat. A smaller ratio indicates the low pressure edges located further behind. We use a Rayleigh-Plesset cavitation model to simulate the steady states of the pump-turbine under three turbine conditions and two pump conditions, and compare the forms and energy of cavitation in the pump-turbine. The results show that at low flow rates, the cavitation performance of the runner is improved as the low pressure edges are moved backward, while at high and medium flow rates, Scheme B is better. In pump modes, the cavitation degree of the runner at high working heads is lowered first and then aggravated with the relative edge location moving backward, while the low pressure side in scheme A is most conducive at low heads. Considering both working modes, we conclude that Scheme B with a diameter ratio of 0.9487 is better in cavitation performance and its efficiency and working head are higher.

Key words: pump-turbine, short blade, low pressure edge location, cavitation, energy characteristics

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