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水力发电学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 35-42.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20230505

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  • 出版日期:2023-05-25 发布日期:2023-05-25

Effect of sea waves on radiant energy of floating photovoltaic

  • Online:2023-05-25 Published:2023-05-25

摘要: 海上漂浮式光伏是应对光伏开发与土地资源之间矛盾的有效方式,但在波浪作用下,漂浮式海上光伏结构的光伏板将时刻随波浪摇动,使得光伏板的对日角度不断变化,这将对光伏板的发电量具有较大影响。本文推导了光伏板在规则波作用下光照辐射能计算公式,总结提出了“时均倾角”概念,并通过地处渤海湾的算例,计算了同纬度规则波下不同光伏板倾角的海上光伏与最佳光伏板倾角的陆地光伏之间所受辐照能的效率比。根据计算结果,发现不同倾角的光伏板所受辐射能受波浪影响的规律基本一致,都随时均倾角增大而减小,并给出了算例光伏板运动幅值的建议标准,为海上光伏浮体结构研发提供了水动力响应的设计参考边界。

关键词: 海上漂浮式光伏, 评估方法, 理论计算, 辐射能, 波浪作用, 光伏浮体结构

Abstract: Offshore Floating Photo Voltaic (FPV) is an effective way to deal with the contradiction between photovoltaic development and land resources. However, under the action of sea waves, the photovoltaic panels on a FPV structure always oscillate with wave motion, which makes their angles to the sun change constantly and imposes a great impact on power generation. In this paper, a formula is derived for calculating the radiation energy of the panels under regular sea waves, and the concept of time-equal-dip angle is summarized and introduced. Using the Bohai Bay conditions of regular waves at the same latitude, efficiency ratios are calculated for the irradiated energy between the offshore photovoltaic panels with different dip angles and the onshore ones with the best dip angles. From the calculations, we find that for the panels with different dip angles, variations in the radiation energy under sea waves follow basically the same trend-it decreases with the increase in the average dip angle. A recommended standard of the panel motion amplitude is given as a design criterion useful for estimating hydrodynamic responses in the development of FPV structure.

Key words: offshore floating photovoltaic, evaluation methods, theoretical calculation, radiant energy, wave-induced, floating photovoltaic structure

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