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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 17-26.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20200502

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  • 出版日期:2020-05-25 发布日期:2020-05-25

Mechanism of particle shape affecting force transfer properties of granular geo-materials

  • Online:2020-05-25 Published:2020-05-25

摘要: 颗粒材料广泛存在于堆石坝、路基等工程中,颗粒形状是影响其力学特性的主要因素之一,值得深入研究。本文采用连续离散耦合方法(Combined Finite and Discrete Element Method,FDEM)进行椭球颗粒集合体的三轴数值剪切试验。为进行颗粒材料的传力特性分析,本文基于密度聚类算法对颗粒接触区域的节点力进行聚合,识别了颗粒间的接触信息,分析了颗粒形状对宏细观力学响应的影响。在宏观力学响应上,随着形状逐渐偏离球形,颗粒体系的偏应力明显增大,且伴随着更强烈的剪胀行为。在细观力学响应上,颗粒形状改变会明显增多颗粒体系的接触数目;在加载后期,超强接触力和极弱接触力比例增大,接触力大小分布不均匀性增强;组构各向异性程度增大,其中接触法向与枝向量各向异性增幅最为显著。

关键词: 堆石料, 颗粒形状, 密度聚类算法, 传力特性, 各向异性

Abstract: Granular materials are widely used in rockfill dams, subgrades and other projects; particle shape is an important factor affecting their mechanical properties, which is worthy of further study. In this work, a combined finite and discrete element method (FDEM) is used to simulate the triaxial tests of aggregates of ellipsoidal particles. To investigate the force transfer characteristics of granular materials, nodal forces in the contact area of particles are aggregated using the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN). We identify the information of particle contact and examine the effects of different particle shapes on the macroscopic and microscopic mechanical properties. Results show that in terms of macroscopic response to a shift in particle shape away from the sphere, the deviatoric stress of the global granular system increases obviously, accompanied by stronger dilatancy. In terms of microscopic response, shape change significantly increases the number of contacts in a granular system. And remarkably, the proportions of the super strong and very weak contact forces both are increased, and heterogeneity in the distribution of contact force magnitude increased. The results also reveal a significant increase in fabric anisotropy, and the increases in the anisotropy of contact normal vectors and branch vectors are most significant.

Key words: rockfill materials, particle shape, DBSCAN, force transfer characteristics, anisotropy

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