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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12): 94-103.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20201209

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  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2020-12-25

Study on comprehensive benefit assessment systems for low impact development practices

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2020-12-25

摘要: 低影响开发(LID)设施作为一种韧性的方式可以综合解决城市新老水问题,相较于灰色基础设施控制降雨径流量的单一功能,LID设施的综合效益更加显著。为了在规划设计阶段全面地评价LID设施的效益,本文分别从减灾效益、经济效益、环境效益和社会效益4个方面筛选18个评估指标,构建5类不同LID设施的综合效益评估指标体系。将构建的评估指标体系应用于济南大明湖海绵城市建设试点区,结果表明:在5、10和20年一遇24 h设计暴雨条件下,组合LID设施的因灾直接经济损失削减率分别为13.86%、4.28%和4.09%,增加的地下水回补量分别为223.49万m3、286.38万m3和287.28万m3。此外,可以减少空气中NO2(0.38 ~ 0.61 t/yr)、O3(0.74 ~ 1.17 t/yr)、SO2(0.29 ~ 0.52 t/yr)和PM10(0.14 ~ 0.17 t/yr)等污染物含量,同时增加环境美观。

关键词: 城市水管理, 低影响开发, 综合效益评估, 海绵城市, 济南

Abstract: Low impact development (LID) practice, a resilient solution, could effectively solve new and old water problems in urban areas; its comprehensive benefits are more significant compared to the single function of grey infrastructures oriented at controlling rainfall runoff volumes. To evaluate the benefits at the planning and design stage, this paper constructs a comprehensive assessment system of five different LID measures, including 18 indicators for disaster reduction benefits, economic benefits, environmental benefits, and social benefits. Application of this new system to the Jinan Daminghu sponge city construction pilot area indicates that under the 24h design storms with 5-year, 10-year and 20-year return periods, the LID measures reduce direct flood loss by 13.86%, 4.28% and 4.09% respectively, and increase groundwater recharge volume by 2.23, 2.86 and 2.87 million m3 respectively. And with green roofs constructed by LID, the air contents of NO2, O3, SO2 and PM10 could be reduced by 0.38-0.61, 0.74-1.17, 0.29-0.52 and 0.14-0.17 t/yr. In addition, LID practices help enhance environmental aesthetics.

Key words: urban water management, low impact development, comprehensive benefit assessment, sponge city, Jinan

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