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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 36-50.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20200504

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  • 出版日期:2020-05-25 发布日期:2020-05-25

Study and application of multi-objective programming model for supplementary power stations of power system

  • Online:2020-05-25 Published:2020-05-25

摘要: 针对电力系统缺电情况下的电力电量平衡,考虑补充水电站或火电站两种形式,以运行期内总费用现值最小与补充电站装机容量最小为目标,建立补充电站多目标规划模型。采用约束法将目标2转换为在上下限区间内取值的约束条件,使原多目标问题转化为电力系统经济规划单目标优化问题,并利用改进的逐步优化算法对模型进行求解,有效缓解了模型维数灾问题,并得到了高质量的Pareto近似最优解集,最后基于理想点法从中挑选出最佳方案作为最终决策。云南地区电网实例研究表明:所建模型能够同时考虑补充电站类型、装机容量以及电力系统经济规划,采用的算法能够确定符合实际情况的合理补充电站方案,对电力系统补充电站有一定参考价值。

关键词: 电力电量平衡, 补充电站规划, 多目标, 电力系统经济规划, 改进逐步优化算法

Abstract: Aimed at the power balance planning of power systems with power supply shortage, we develop a multi-objective optimization model for the supplementary power stations – hydropower or thermal power – to achieve its lowest present total cost in operation period and smallest installed capacity. To solve this model, a constrained method, limiting the capacity between its smallest and largest values, is used to transform the multi-objective problem into single-objective optimization for power system economic planning. We adopt an improved progressive optimality algorithm to solve the model, so that dimension disaster can be effectively alleviated to obtain uniformly distributed Pareto solution set. Then, the ideal point method is used to single out the optimal solution. Application to the Yunnan power grid shows the proposed model can consider different types of supplementary power stations and their installed capacities and the power system economic planning, thus helping supplementary power station planning.

Key words: power balance, supplementary power station planning, multi-objective, power system economic planning, improved progressive optimality algorithm

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