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水力发电学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (11): 42-49.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20171105

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  • 出版日期:2017-11-25 发布日期:2017-11-25

Application of HBV hydrological model considering glacier melt in Western Tianshan

  • Online:2017-11-25 Published:2017-11-25

摘要: 为了合理地认识高寒山区冰雪融水径流规律,基于含有冰川模块的HBV模型,借助DEM数据、冰川编目数据及1990—2000年水文气象数据等,以新疆伊犁河支流喀什河流域为研究区,开展冰雪融水径流模拟研究。结果表明:(1)冰川存在于流域2695 m以上区域,主要分布于3195 ~ 3695 m的范围内;(2)基于构建的HBV模型,以1990—1995年为率定期、1996—2000年为验证期进行径流模拟研究,实测径流与模拟径流过程线拟合较好,率定期模型的确定系数及Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数分别为0.86和0.83,验证期则分别为0.83和0.8;(3)通过对极值的分析发现,最大径流、最小径流与实测值的绝对误差分别在0.28 ~ 4.57 mm与0.10 ~ 0.17 mm之间。以上结果说明模型在研究区具有较好的适用性。

Abstract: This study focuses on a HBV model that is equipped with a new glacier module using the DEM data and simulates the glacier and snow melt runoff in the Kashi River basin, a branch of the Ili River in Xinjiang, based on its glacier inventory dataset and hydrometeorological data from 1990 to 2000 to reveal the variation trends in snowmelt in the alpine region. We found out that glaciers exist in the areas of elevation above 2695 m and concentrate on the elevation of 3195 - 3695 m. The model is calibrated for the period of 1990-1995 and verified for 1996-2000, and its simulations show a good agreement with the runoff measurements, achieving coefficients of determination and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficients of 0.86 and 0.83 for the calibration period and 0.83 and 0.80 for the validation period, respectively. Extreme value analysis reveals that in comparison with the measurements, absolute errors in the calculations of maximum and minimum runoffs fall in the range of 0.28 - 4.57 mm and 0.10 - 0.17 mm, respectively. The results show good applicability of the HBV model in the study area.

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